Mark is 18 months now. He is so big and such a joy in our life. He makes me laugh everyday. He is talking a lot more. He tries to repeat everything you say, but his favorite thing to say is Yo Gabba! :) He loves balls, cars, dogs, books, dressing himself (and undressing for that matter), his "ba"/ milk, his blanket, shoes, baths/showers, coloring, and thats just to name a few. He loves to be Mr. Independent and likes to do things all by himself. ( If possible.) He has also started throwing some major tantrums lately. He gets so frustrated and mad and starts hitting and throwing and pulling hair. He mainly does that stuff to me and it drives me crazy! I try to discipline him and keep my cool but man it is tough! He just got to nursery age, and I am actually called into nursery so that seems to be a challenge. He likes to go up to kids and randomly push or hit them. Most of the time for no reason at all. I get so mad! Why is my kid so anti-social? Everyone tells me it is just his age and he will grow out off it but it is definitely not a fun stage to go through. The funny thing is, is one minute he will be pushing a kid and then the next minute he will be hugging them. So he does have a sweet side too. He can actually be very sweet. He loves to give hugs and kisses. He is just a little active boy I guess. And I love every bit of it. :)
Life is wonderful. I feel so blessed. I thank the Lord everyday for my beautiful family and for all of the lessons I am learning as a mother.
Mark- 18 months
Mark and Mommy
Mark playing peek a boo with Grandma
My little Marky
Mark and Daddy at Pebble Beach
Webster Family Photo taken at Christmas