So Saturday we went to the US Open and got VIP passes thanks to Kathy and Tyler. Tyler competed in the Noserider Competition and did great! It was so fun to watch him and all of the other pro surfers there. They are so good its crazy! Thanks to our VIP passes we were able to meet Jimmy's favorite surfer Rob Machado. He was so cool and super nice. When we asked him to take a pic with us he was totally cool about it and Jimmy asked him if it would be weird for him to touch my stomach, but he was like "oh ya, for sure!" haha So awesome! I think I felt the baby move in excitement! lol For sure he is going to be a pro surfer now. Rob sent him all of his good vibes. I am thinking we may need to name the baby Rob now. lol Jimmy and Jack also got a pic with Kelly Slater, Joel Tudor, and Cory Lopez. It was such a fun day. I think Jimmy died and went to heaven. He is still thinking about it! He even said that the pic of us and Rob is our most prized possession. Oh and of course afterwards, Jimmy had to get in the water himself and do a little surf session. We went down to Newport though to avoid some of the crowds. It was a long day for a 37 week pregnant women and I was quite swollen by the end of it but all in all it was worth it and such a fun weekend!
As for a baby update, only 3 weeks left! We are so excited for this little guy to come into our lives. We love him to death already! He is so fun to feel moving all around. (Even though now he is more like kicking and abusing my ribs more then anything. lol) My doctor said he can now come at anytime and he will be perfectly fine. It is very good to hear that, but it also kind of makes me more anxious. Its like, ok little man I know you are healthy enough to come out of there, so just come out already! lol But anyways, life is good and we are happy! We will keep you posted on the baby updates this month! :)
That is awesome!!!
Hang in there, lady. He will be worth the wait!
That was so much fun! Those are good pictures of Jimmy surfing too! Can't wait to see you next week!
How exciting! You look great. Hang in there, it will go by faster then you think. Love you guy's
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